
Libredrive wh16ns40
Libredrive wh16ns40

libredrive wh16ns40

I **think** these would be the "Downgrade Enabled Firmware" or "DE Firmware" (Downgrade Enabled Firmware V.2.zip). The "old versions" is what I'm confused about. Once an MK firmware is flashed, then any firmware can be flashed using the SDFtool Flasher v1.3.4, to an old version that LibreDrive supports, which would then also work with AnyDVD. but that was before AnyDVD supported LibreDrive I guess? Someone please correct or clarify!

libredrive wh16ns40

I think I understand that "MK" firmwares are made by MakeMKV team and can be flashed to a newer supported drive, then just used with MakeMKV, but I guess MK firmwares will now work with AnyDVD since AnyDVD detects and uses LibreDrive? Otherwise, my understanding is a MK firmware may or may not work with AnyDVD.

libredrive wh16ns40

this means running MakeMKV and AnyDVD at the same time, correct? Is it about blocking MKB revocation? If not, then what specific benefits do you get with AnyDVD + LibreDrive? Again. I'm also not completely understanding the sticky about AnyDVD + LibreDrive. What if you use *only* AnyDVD? Does AnyDVD block MKB revocation as well? Because if it doesn't, it sounds like you would never want to use AnyDVD without MakeMKV also running. It also sounds to me like you would NEVER want to put a UHD (or even Blu-Ray) disc in a "UHD Friendly" flashed drive WITHOUT LibreDrive active, because otherwise, it will update MKB revocation, which might make a disc no longer able to be decrypted with revoked keys that AnyDVD might be using. If there is anything else you have to do besides running MakeMKV to get LibreDrive active, what is it? Is that correct? SamuriHL posted before, "LibreDrive uploads firmware code that bypasses MKB revocation and disables bus encryption", which makes it sound to me like to get the MKB and bus encryption bypass, there is some kind of firmware patching & "uploading" involved. "Libredrive" is a mode of operation by MakeMKV, correct? So, you simply run MakeMKV to get Libredrive active. There are some very basic things I'm unclear about, so I thought I'd ask rather than just relying on assumptions from years old threads:

Libredrive wh16ns40